I suppose that this isn't really a recipe as much as passing along a tip for something that I enjoy in Oct.
Author: Annacia * @Annacia
A medicine chest can be as close as the back yard if you know what to look for. THese grow as weeds un the US. This salve is great for bug bites, bee stings,...
Author: Stormy Stewart @karlyn255
A friend of mine passed this on to me as someone did to her. I mixed it up & tried it on sheets & clothes & it works great, thus prompting me to name it...
Author: Peggi Anne Tebben @cookiequeen
Covid 19 taught me a lot of things, I learned how to make masks, I have learned how far 6 feet is exactly, and most importantly I learned how to make my...
Author: joeyjoan K
Simple and great smelling. I like to mix the dry ingredients up in little ziplocks to have them ready to add to water during the holiday season.
Author: Vicki Butts (lazyme) @lazyme5909
I use to buy a X-mas wreath every year, but then a few years I found this idea & others. Now every year I make new ones for halloween, thanksgiving & other...
Author: Vanessa "Nikita" Milare
An easy Cornucopia centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table. Fill the cornucopia with the assorted raw vegetables directly on table and let them spill out...
Author: Penny Hall
This is a hint I picked up from somewhere unknown at this point and I use it! I really does work..let me know what you think!
Author: Susan Cutler
This is one of a pair that visits my yard pretty often. I'm posting this picture to enter into a contest in the group Wild Thang
Author: Helene Mulvihill @WeBakeinTX
I have a deep love for wild birds and enjoy bird watching and feeding the birds too. These homemade wild bird feeders are great to make with children and...
Author: Kimberly Biegacki @pistachyoo
I started years ago making these with my children, and now I make them with my grandkids. They last for years and the house smells so good when they are...
Author: Leona Krivda @LeonaFaye
A friend of mine passed this on to me as someone did to her. I mixed it up & tried it on sheets & clothes & it works great, thus prompting me to name it...
Author: Peggi Anne Tebben @cookiequeen
Adorn your door with this festive holiday wreath and welcome your guest with apples, cinnamon spice and everything nice. Original source: Betty Crocker,...
Author: Annacia * @Annacia
This is an economic replacement for sweetened condensed milk. From the Methodist Women Cookbook
Author: Joey Wolf
Your Dishes will have never, ever looked cleaner-no scratches, no water spots, just crystal clear glasses, dishes, and silverware. The dishwasher is cleaner...
Author: Gloria Gasperson'Giddings
Use at Lammas on your altar and still have enough to as gift potpourri's on very small baskets or tied in see through fabric tied with a ribbon for your...
Author: Stormy Stewart
This is a simple recipe for homemade ornaments that are fun to make with your children and grandchildren. The smell of cinnamon will fill your home though...
Author: Heather Zarazinski
I use this for my carpets! No pet stains here But i put it in my shampooer and waaa la! It freshens and my carpets look awesome! It works great
Author: Mandy Bidwell @mandylovestocook
I love to make my own Christmas ornaments and crafts ! I give some as gifts and keep some for decorating my multiple themed trees. Here are some examples...
Author: Angela Gray @angiemath
These are so easy to make and such a pleasure to recieve. recipe pinched from ehow.com
Author: Stormy Stewart @karlyn255